About me
Professional ​
Hear George McGavin talk about
Science Through Stories
by Chris Smith and Jules Pottle.
​I've been teaching in primary schools for over twenty years. In that time, I've spent many years as a classteacher and science co-ordinator and I'm currently a science specialist teacher. I have provided training for lots of teachers in the schools where I've worked and also in other schools where I've delivered INSET sessions.
I believe that science teaching should be practical, hands-on and exciting. The INSET sessions which I offer are also practical and designed to be experiential - giving teachers the confidence to try new activities in the classroom by allowing them the time and space to try them out for themselves.
I have always used stories in my teaching and it was this that led me to The Storytelling Schools method. I was asked to make the teaching of science more cross-curricular and decided to take this further than just writing non-fiction texts linked to our science topic. So, I set about finding out to how to use stories in teaching. I read 'The Storytellng Handbook' by Chris Smith and Adam Guillain (Hawthorn Press, 2014) and attended training with Storytelling Schools, on a course with PIe Corbett and Chris Smith. I found that science and stories are really good together.
I began writing my own stories to cover content such as electricity as there aren't any traditional tales about the subject and found that if I developed a story carefully, the children would learn to explain the science as they retold the story. And so 'Science Through Stories' began. It is a collection of 29 stories. mostly original, written by me and Chris Smith for use in primary science lessons. It also includes ideas for science and English planning. It is available now through Hawthorn Press (click the red button on the right).
Science Specialist Teacher
Museum Educator
Storytelling Trainer
Community Theatre Director
I'm also a trainer for www.storytellingschools.com. If you'd like to know more about The Storytelling Schools method then please visit their website - there's a course in Science Through Stories running in the summer term.
I also work free-lance at The Story Museum in Oxford as an educator for school visits. It's a great place to fire the imagination. You can go through the wardrobe into Narnia and who wouldn't want to teach a group of children who've just sat on the white witch's sledge and still have snow in their hair? It's a great place to create new stories. Learn more at www.storymuseum.org.uk.
My work in
other settings
Oxford University
​Zoology (hons)
Kingston University
P.G.C.E Primary Science
P.G. Dip in Science and Management