What do people say about me?
"Jules is an energetic and enthusiastic science teacher. Her love of science is infectious and inspirational."
George McGavin, author, broadcaster and entomologist.
"After football today Euan sat down at tea and explained in great detail the work of Jenner, cow pox, small pox. Thank you for teaching him that. He was greatly enthused by it all. Maybe he'll be a scientist after all rather than the Liverpool striker he was planning to be."
Dr Mark Taylor, parent of child in my class
"This was the most constructive two hours I have spent in a long time! It was very practical and enjoyable."
D. Thompson, Teacher, Whitmore Primary, Basildon
"Fun, hands on." "Very interactive and enjoyable." "Excellent, very inspiring!"
Teachers' feedback on Science Through Storytelling INSET, Bristol, 2014
"Julie’s unique and engaging teaching style means that even the hardest of science concepts have been picked up quickly by all our pupils. Her fully inclusive teaching style and scientific knowledge has made the subject so popular that the children can’t wait for their next lesson with her. Julie is so personable, well organised and she has the skills and personality to inspire us all to be outstanding science teachers!"
Ed Read, Headteacher at Cumnor Primary School
"Thank you once again for your workshops and training. It went down very positively with our staff and children and I am pleased to say that all classes carried on their storytelling work once you had left and are enthusiastically producing some fabulous work of which they are very proud. I even undertook a lesson observation yesterday of one of our year 5 classes who were holding a court trial for Anansi to see if he was to blame for dropping all of the stories. The in depth ideas the chidlren have gathered about character and motivation were wonderful. The children really do have ownership over the stories and are enjoying making them their own. Year 2 children have loved telling the stories to their parents as their homework and now our parents are enthusiasts too."
Catherine Baker, Deputy Head Teacher, Whitmore Primary School and Nursery